It starts in the origin
Euroma uses herbs and spices from all over the world in the development of its products. In sourcing these raw materials in their countries of origin, we are actively pushing the issue of sustainability throughout the chain. We teach local farmers to work their land so that the environment is saved and biodiversity is encouraged. In exchange for their efforts, Euroma pays farmers a fair price.
Human Rights
Many herbs and spices are produced in developing countries where human rights are not always respected and even child labour takes place. To prevent Euroma from working with parties who don’t share our concerns on human rights, we use a blacklist and regularly carry out audits. In the countries where Euroma is active, we strive through various projects to improve the working conditions. Not only in terms of labour and rest periods, but also regarding the welfare of employees, we advocate a safe working environment with good hygienic and sanitary conditions.
To strengthen our efforts to improve sustainability in the spice markets, we have established the Sustainable Spice Initiative (SSI) together with industry partners. The Sustainable Spices Initiative (SSI) aims to sustainably transform the mainstream spices sector, thereby securing future sourcing and stimulating economic growth in producing countries.
Sustainable spices
Euroma wants to transform all its products into sustainable products. Therefore, we’re working towards, among other things, the goal of ensuring that we will only be buying sustainable herbs and spices by 2025. We are working hard to transform traditional supply chains into chains for a sustainable future.
Savings in own organization
In addition to the impact of Euroma on sustainability in the countries of origin, we also pay attention to sustainability within our own organisation. In recent years we have already achieved the necessary results. And our targets for 2020 are:
- to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50%;
- to reduce the energy and water consumption of our production sites by 25%;
- to further reduce material waste by 10%;
- to reduce waste at our production sites by 20%
- to recycle 25% of our waste.
Work environment
Euroma wants to offer its employees in the Netherlands a healthy and safe working environment. To help achieve this, we launched the project "Euroma Vitaal". In addition, we promote the development of talents and abilities. And we support various social work placements where people with disabilities are offered valuable work.
Stories from the future
Euroma has already expanded its range of products with numerous Sustainable Agricultural Code herbs and spices. Thus, we get our cloves from Madagascar, where communication with and training of the farmers has led to saving the Maroantsera rainforests and farmers enjoying a higher standard of living. By providing employment to women in the region, we contribute to faster emancipation and independence.
Our white pepper comes from Vietnam. Pepper plants thrive on coffee plantations and vice versa. We assist in the training of local coffee farmers to mix their plantations. We also support the construction of local production facilities and the development of a cultivation zone suitable for sustainable agriculture.
In the Central Anatolia region of Turkey, Euroma offers local farmers a training program to show them how to grow cumin seeds in a sustainable manner. There is a lot of attention paid to irrigation, food safety, organic soil improvement and the proper use of plant protection products. Sustainable cultivation also has a positive impact on the local community. The children of the farmers are given the opportunity to study beyond primary school through a training budget.
If it’s up to Euroma, there’ll be many more of these kinds of stories.